A Personalised Care one-stop-shop 

It’s All About People is a place for the Lincolnshire health, care and wellbeing workforce to reflect, learn and share how together we support people to live their best life.

This site is packed with Learning and Development opportunities and Tools and Resources to help you build your personalised care skills, capacity and confidence.

What is Personalised Care?

Personalised care:

  • means people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered. So, instead of asking people "What's the matter to you?" we instead ask "What matters to you?", based on their capability, strengths and needs.
  • represents a new relationship between people and the health and care system.
  • happens when we make the most of the expertise, capacity, and potential of people, families, and communities.
  • provides a positive shift in power and decision-making that enables people to have a voice, to be heard, and connected to each other and their communities.
  • takes a whole-system approach, integrating services around the person including health, social care, public health, and wider services.
  • provides an all-age approach from maternity and childhood right through to end of life, encompassing both mental and physical health and recognises the role and voice of carers.
  • recognises the contribution of communities and the voluntary and community sector to support people and build resilience.
  • is central to our System aspirations to achieve a new integrated service model for Lincolnshire in which people have more options, better support, and properly joined-up care at the right time and in the right care setting.

What are the benefits of Personalised Care?

Research has shown that when people have the opportunity to be involved in decision-making and planning their own health and care there are generally better experiences and outcomes, and health inequalities are reduced.

The benefits of Personalised Care include:

  • improved access to care
  • improved health and clinical outcomes
  • better health literacy and self-care
  • increased satisfaction with care
  • improved job satisfaction for health and care professionals
  • improved efficiency of services
  • reduced overall costs

When people experience personalised health and care support, they are:

  • treated as a whole person, who has valuable skills, experience, and strengths, by professionals they trust.
  • able to readily access information and advice that is timely, clear, and works for them.
  • valued as an active participant in all conversations and decisions about their health and wellbeing.
  • supported to understand their care and support options, and able to set and achieve their personal desired outcomes.
  • offered a coordinated approach that is transparent and capability building, with their preferences being recorded and remembered.
  • connected with health coaching, self-management and / or community support programmes.
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