The It's All About People Newsletter is our regular (bi-monthly) round-up of what's been going on in the world of Personalisation in Health, Care and Wellbeing provision in Lincolnshire.
Each issue provides an essential snapshot of personalised care and strengths-based activity across a two-month period. And it is a snapshot - there's so much amazing work going on that we don't have the space to cover it all. But you will get a real sense of what’s going on – and how you can get involved (and we really would LOVE you to!)
You'll hear about what the It's All About People Personalisation Programme Team have been up to, a selection of news from our fabulous partner organisations, and what's coming up in terms of events, training, and other great opportunities across Lincolnshire's health, care, and wellbeing system.
Subscribe to our newsletter to have it drop right into your inbox every two months. To subcribe, pop an email across to that says Sign me up for the It's All About People Newsletter and we'll add you to the mailing list. It's as easy as that!
We're always on the lookout for great personalised care stories, so if you have a story to share, get in touch with Gavin, our Communications and Marketing Lead, at