What is your relationship with the health and care services that support you?
Is it similar to...
a parent-child type relationship?
a relationship with a particular breed of dog? (a suggestion from Paul Gutherson, Managing Director of Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team (LVET))
a relationship with a sibling?
Or maybe a relationship with a long-lost uncle?
Have a think and let us know what you come up with!
Vicky’s LinkedIn post was prompted by It’s All About People Podcast Episode 31.
In this podcast, Pete Burnett, Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships for NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, talks about the strategic intent of Our Shared Agreement which, in a nutshell, is about creating a better relationship between the people of Lincolnshire and the health and care system that supports them.
Pete also makes the point that a strategy can't be something that's created to then sit on a shelf, collecting dust (as many are). Strategies need to be brought to life, and build and sustain momentum to effect the change they aim for.
This is precisely what the It's All About People Team, with your support, is working to achieve with Our Shared Agreement. So, if you haven't already, 'Join the movement'!
For more information and to find out more about how to get involved, don't hesitate to contact us on lhnt.itsallaboutpeople@nhs.net
So, I’ve just been listening on my way into work this morning to one of the podcasts that’s a part of the It’s All About People Podcast series, and listening to the one about strategic intent, with Pete Burnett and Kirsteen and Matt from the It’s All About People Team.
And, you know, fabulous podcasts – really helps you to understand that role of Our Shared Agreement that we’ve (Every-One) have been involved in, and supporting on the co-production with - and the role of that co-production, within the strategic work across the health and care system in Lincolnshire.
But at the heart of Our Shared Agreement, it’s about the relationship of the people of Lincolnshire with the system.
And it just made me think. I often describe it around changing our role from being a ‘parent / child’ relationship with people, to being an ‘adult to adult’ relationship.
So, I just thought I’d ask the question – as a human being, regardless of job title, where you work, or whatever, but as a human being, what would you say your relationship is with the health and care system.
If you described it as a person, would it be your parent? Would it be a sibling? Would it be a child? Would it be a neighbour? Would it be a colleague? A peer?
What language would you use to currently describe what your relationship might be with health and care – with the NHS? With social care?
And then, what would you want it to be?
How do you think that relationship should be? Do you feel like they should be your parent, looking after you. Or should they be a peer? A colleague? A friend?
So, just interested in how you would describe that relationship that you want with the health, care and voluntary sector system, looking after your wellbeing.
Vicky's LinkedIn post was shared on 3rd December 2024. Click here for the post.