14th June 2024

Blog: What matters to you, SWL Neighbourhood Team?

The South West Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Team got involved with 'what matters to you?' day 2024.

Joanne Yeomans guest writes for IAAP:

On 6th June 2024 we arranged a team lunch to mark 'what matter's to you?' day. As a team we regularly have conversations with people we support about what matters to them so we can best meet their needs. This was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all the personalised work the team do, discuss what matters to each of us by completing the one-page profile, and talking about the countywide personalisation initiatives including Our Shared Agreement. #WMTY24

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As a team it was great to be able to take some time out and switch up the conversation from being about others to being about us. We cover sixteen G.P practices and two Primary Care Networks so we don't often get the opportunity to get so many of us all together. It was therefore great to be able to chat to and get to know more about the people we don't get a regular opportunity to work or talk with.

It was nice to be able to understand what is important to each of us and what our strengths are. For example, we learnt that there are a number of people with green fingers on the team, some have musical talents and others are very artistic. We also had the opportunity to talk about what makes us thrive within work.

I wouldn't hesitate in putting on a similar event again though next time I would maybe think about hiring a venue so even more people could have been invited. Southwest Lincs Neighbourhood Team comprises of many roles across numerous teams and organisations, and it would be great to open it up to the wider team as part of a networking event and get to know many more of our colleagues. 

I would also think about how far a buffet actually goes and whether we really need that number of cheese rolls!!!

Joanne Yoemans is Senior Neighbourhood Care Coordinator for the South West Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Team. She is also a Personalisation Champion that regularly supports new ways of working and county-wide initiatives. 

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