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Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

When people want to change something about their life, they need motivation. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a direct, person-centred counselling style that helps people to explore and resolve their ambivalence towards behavioural change.

Motivational Interviewing uses a guiding / reflective approach with people, clarifying their strengths and aspirations, utilising their personal motivations for change, and promoting independence of decision making. With MI, health professionals manage the conversation so that the person talks themself into change based on their values and interests. 

Key benefits of Motivational Interviewing are that it:

  • Builds a person's self-confidence
  • Increases a person's self-trust
  • Improves a person's receptiveness to treatment
  • Teaches responsibility for actions
  • Builds motivation and capability to make positive changes
  • Reduces relapse risks

For people who are hesitant at first to seek treatment, MI can be especially helpful. It gives people who are unprepared to make changes the tools they need to accomplish their change-related goals.

Motivational Interviewing training

We have commissioned Et Al Training to provide an interactive and memorable one-day course to support practitioners with their communication skills when speaking to people.   

About Et Al Training

Et Al Training logo

"Our aim at Et Al Training is to provide all health and care professionals working in primary care with memorable, creative, and above all fun training events that will explain the why as well as the how in patient care.

We build confidence in all our delegates and to this end, we tailor all our events specifically to our audience. You will not find 'death by PowerPoint' at Et Al Training, but what you will find is creative and innovative delivery in your sort of language."

This Motivational Interviewing training is accredited by the Personalised Care Institute. You can find us listed on the PCI website.






Motivational Interviewing Study Day (interactive virtual 1-day session)

Study Day overview:

"The day begins with a general introduction to Motivational Interviewing before exploring each of the core skills one at a time. At the end of each skill the tutors will demonstrate, and then hand over to you to practice in pairs - but don’t worry, there is no role play!

Each day is tailored to the participants' specific needs, and the tutors will conduct their demonstrations based on the requests of the participants. We manage this and more, all without the use of PowerPoint!

We will use memorable explanations, demonstrations, interaction in pairs, and most importantly, we encourage participants to relax and have fun.

The extensive wardrobe and scenery available at our large training studio allows the tutors to create characters and situations to demonstrate the topics that are pertinent to participants. Face-to-face and telephone consultation techniques will be included.

We all think we are brilliant communicators but come and find out how to leave the responsibility where it belongs. We have offered this course for several years and, without exception, it has been evaluated as a stunning learning experience.

You will complete the course knowing what MI is all about, why you want to use it, and with the ability to start practicing some aspects of it as soon as you leave the session."

Time to complete: 1 day from 9 - 4 (virtual study day via Zoom)

Who is this study day aimed at?: All staff / volunteers in the health, social care, or third / voluntary sector who work with the people of Lincolnshire.

Is this study day funded?: Yes

How do I register for this study day?: Check forthcoming Motivational Interviewing Study Days in our events calendar (see the calendar side panel above) and click the relevant study day link to register.

To register, please email lhnt.itsallaboutpeople@nhs.net with your name, email address, job role and organisation. Please note,places are limited.

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