Tommy Whitelaw workshops for health and care leaders

Tommy Whitelaw workshops for health and care leaders

We’re thrilled to announce that Person-centred care champion Tommy Whitelaw returns to Lincolnshire on 3 April to deliver two inspiring and thought-provoking workshops that celebrate how health and care leaders, managers, and commissioners can ‘make a difference!’

The workshops are FREE but require booking. To book visit: Joint Health and Care Leadership Forum: Tommy Whitelaw Workshops - 3 April 2025

Workshops aimed at leaders

These FREE interactive half-day sessions are being hosted as the second Joint Health and Care Leadership Forum, and are aimed at leaders, middle managers, commissioners, and anyone involved in decision-making from NHS Lincolnshire organisations, Lincolnshire County Council, and the county's Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise sector.

Join Tommy to explore:

  • the transformative power of person-centred care approaches within organisations.
  • What compassionate workplaces and systems should look like, and how we can get there.
  • What are our strengths and what are we already doing well?
  • What could we do differently in the future?
  • What are the barriers to better working and how we can work together to overcome these?
  • What might person-centred practice look like across different teams and settings?
  • The culture change required to embed and implement person-centred care and drive improvements in the lives of people, carers and families.

The impact of Tommy’s work with organisations across the UK is well-evidenced. Partner organisations have reported the benefits of embedding person-centred approaches in their structures, processes, pathways, and service delivery, seeing improved outcomes both for staff and the people they support.

Don't miss out!

If you missed Tommy’s sell-out workshops in November 2024, this is your chance to see him. And if you did see Tommy last year, you know how inspirational and valuable the Tommy experience is, so please SPREAD THE WORD and encourage colleagues to book. 

Here are just a few comments after Tommy's workshops last November:

  • “Genuinely the best speaker I’ve ever heard!”
  • “I hope that all staff get the chance to listen to Tommy. He’s inspirational!”
  • “The best guest speaker I’ve ever heard – absolutely brilliant, raw and passionate.”
  • “He’s a really emotional speaker and touch a lot of raw nerves about things that matter every day.”

Book for a Tommy Whitelaw workshop

Tommy's two workshops take place on Thursday 3 April at The Ridlington Centre, Sibsey Lane, Boston PE21 6HB.

  • Morning workshop: 9.30am - 12.30pm
  • Afternoon workshop: 1.30pm - 4.30pm

The workshops are FREE but require booking. To book visit: 

Joint Health and Care Leadership Forum: Tommy Whitelaw Workshops - 3 April 2025

Please note, we are expecting these sessions to fill up quickly and have a limited capacity so it is essential that you register early.

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