Our Shared Agreement - Drop In Sessions

"What is Our Shared Agreement?" Drop-In Sessions

Heard about Our Shared Agreement, but don't know too much about it?

Then this is a great opportunity to find out more!

We're running three informal 30-minute LIVE drop-in sessions on Microsoft Teams specially designed to bring you right up to speed, covering:

  • How Our Shared Agreement came into being through extensive co-production.
  • What are the Five Foundations that drive Our Shared Agreement?
  • How Our Shared Agreement is working to create a better relationship between the public and health and care in Lincolnshire.
  • How you can get involved in the movement and make a real difference to the people you support.

There's no need to register for these Teams sessions - simply click on a link below to attend session of your choice:

We look forward to seeing you there!


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