Embracing Change (Team)

Vine Street Care Coordinators (Vine Street Surgery, Grantham) have embraced change by really getting to understand their patients. This includes spending time looking at medical histories, which can go back many years, to understand a patient's health journey; what they have been through, what has been tried and what the outcomes were. A face to face discussion then follows, to listen and understand what matters to them and what they would like to happen. Together, they create a shared plan and sometimes, when service referral criteria/policy do not match what the patient wants, they try to work creatively to overcome the hurdles. Often a quick text or phone call is required to reassure the patient. Over time, they have found improvements with use of unplanned resources and patient experience as well as health improvements. They never discharge patients and always leave contact details for them or their families to get back in touch when needed.

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