Leadership (Individual) Award

Amanda Griffiths was a very early advocate of embracing the principles and values of personalisation. She had a clear vision of how the cardiac rehabilitation service could start to focus on patients' individual needs and goals by simply asking “what matters to you?”.  She encouraged the team to create a shift away from the traditional medical model to a person's journey. Amanda took full responsibility in championing personalisation across the service and the LCHS trust. She attends meetings on personalisation and engages with other services to explore how they embedded approaches. Despite challenges from colleagues, Amanda continued to lead the way and inspired her team to adopt more personalised approaches and influenced them to change the way they work. She also secured training options for them, such as motivational interviewing and health coaching. Amanda has enabled the cardiac rehab service to be one of the first adopters of the tailoring tool: patient activation measure (PAM). This provided her team with even more learning opportunities as they completed the e-learning on the flourish platform. Amanda facilitated group huddles to discuss the use of PAM and how it could help contribute to shared decision making.

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