Making personalised care a reality: Workforce development

“The introduction of personalised care requires significant workforce development and strong leadership aligned with the values underpinning personalised care.” (1)

Personalised care requires joined-up approaches where people work across boundaries, integrate resources from different places, and share information appropriately, to ensure that people who use health, care, and wellbeing services receive a seamless experience.

The It's All About People Personalisation Programme Team is working hard to support the health and care workforce, both paid and volunteers. We offer tools and build confidence and agency to do things differently, and we provide and encourage participation in our wide range of learning and development opportunities. 

We are changing the culture of Lincolnshire’s people by:

Growing our It’s All About People Champions network. These fantastic individuals promote personalisation and strengths-based approaches in their own practice across the county and actively support colleagues and peers to do the same.   

Having a dedicated Workforce Development Lead - Alison - within the Personalisation Programme Team.  Part of Alison's role has been to establish what is already working well across Lincolnshire's health and care system so that this can be built on. Alison is collaborating with colleagues from across the system to find out what workforce development already takes place around personalisation, identifying where the gaps are and where we need to widen our offer.  

We have worked closely with colleagues in Adult Social Care and Community Wellbeing to support the delivery of Strengths-Based Approach training to people within hospital discharge teams in a joined-up and personalised way. We are looking forward to developing this further.

We are also working with the Personalised Care Role Society within Primary Care, supporting people who are working differently in newer roles such as Care Co-ordinators, Health and Wellbeing Coaches and Social Prescribers. Working with the Primary Care Training Hub, we meet every quarter to provide information, advice, and support as well as providing time to network and learn from one another.  

We offer a variety of different courses and sessions, from 30-minute e-learning modules to half-day interactive sessions delivered by local practitioners, lunchtime conversations with peers to and full-day inspirational training sessions (which might even include puppets!). Whatever your interest, we offer education opportunities for you. 

If you're looking for specific training or resources, we may be able to arrange that for you. 

We also offer support or advice on how to embed personalised care approaches and culture in your area of work. To find out more contact us at to start a conversation.


1. Supporting and developing the workforce for personalised care (

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