It provides an all-age approach from maternity and childhood, through living with frailty, older age and end of life, encompassing both mental and physical health and recognises the role and voice of carers. It recognises the contribution of communities and the voluntary and community sector to support people and help build resilience.
Personalised Care is not new. For many people already working in health and care, engaging in a meaningful way with people, families, carers and communities is part of their intrinsic motivation. It is seen in the development of ‘personalisation’ in the social care and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and is integral to established techniques and approaches such as care and support planning, health coaching, motivational interviewing, shared decision making, self-management support and coproduction.
To shift the relationship and conversations between people, professionals and the health and care system to one which focuses on their strengths and assets and ‘what matters to them’, providing a positive shift in power and decision making that enables people and those who are important to them to be able to live their best life.
Dr Sadie Aubrey, GP and PCN Clinical Director, talks about why Personalised Care is so important.
Liz Reader, Care Co-ordinator talks through her journey to embracing personalised care
Eight key priorities for 23/24
A person-centred approach is underpinned by seeing prevention - engaging and supporting people to live healthier lives - as an on-going activity with people and communities, not a single event or intervention. Taken from Person centred approaches Framework 2020
In 2019 ‘Universal Personalised Care – Implementing the comprehensive model’ was published and is at the heart of the NHS Long Term Plan. It is built using the skills, knowledge and expertise from social care, mental health, children’s services, learning disability and others.
The evidence of the positive impact a personalised care approach has continued to grow. Personalised care also helps to address health inequalities, taking into account people’s different backgrounds and preferences, which mean people from lower socio-economic groups are often able to benefit the most.
Research has shown that people who are more confident and able to manage their health conditions (that is, people with higher levels of activation) have 18% fewer GP contacts and 38% fewer emergency admissions than people with the least confidence. (These figures are based on the tracking of over 9,000 people with long-term conditions across a health and care system.)
The short animation below talks about Bob and why taking into consideration his strengths and interests, and not just his symptoms or conditions, can have a positive impact on his health and wellbeing.
Personalised care is specifically mentioned in a range of Lincolnshire’s transformation programmes:
The terms personalised care and person-centred care are often used interchangeably and generally refer to the same approach.
In the video below Kirsteen Redmile, Lead Change Manager - Personalisaton, talks more about the programme and what is already happening across Lincolnshire.
Lincolnshire is embracing the principles and values of personalisation established by Think Local Act Personal ‘Making It Real’ report.
The Lincolnshire’s Personalisation Programme has one aim and several ways of making it happen….
To shift the relationship and conversations between people, professionals and the health and care system to one which focuses on their strengths and assets and ‘what matters to them’, providing a positive shift in power and decision making that enables people and those who are important to them to be able to live their best life.
Through co-production and co-design, working with staff and people with lived experience (see section on co-production) to support and shape how we work together.
We will work with you using a continuous improvement methodology called Plan, Do, Study, Act focusing on specific place-based teams which ensures that you can get involved to help design and shape how collectively personalisation becomes real for the people of Lincolnshire.
We will invest and support you to explore, learn and develop new ways of working which put people at the heart of what they do, reshaping process and service delivery models to support strength based and person-centred approaches.
50 leaders from Lincolnshire signed up to do the NHS Leadership for Personalised Care programme was a great achievement and proves the commitment and motivation we have in Lincolnshire to make personalised care real and meaningful.
The personalisation message is now being heard and starting to be understood in Lincolnshire with colleagues from across Health and Care coming forward to get involved in a whole range of activities such as leadership programmes, monthly personalisation huddles, action learning sets, presenting at regional events and working with people with lived experience through our co production groups.
Is really starting to thrive in Lincolnshire with a range of co-production groups working across our system supporting service redesign and transformational change.
Secured additional funding through NHSE to support the Personalisation funding which is being used for the following;
Workforce Learning and Development
Personalised Care and Support Planning
Social Prescribing
Using tailoring tools
The Cardiac rehab team in LCHS have successfully supported 20 people using tailoring tools which enables the professional to understand the individuals level of confidence and motivation to look after their own health and wellbeing, and how to tailor the response appropriately.
Communication, Engagement and Marketing
Thumbnail | Title | Size |
TLAP Making it Real report | 155.83 KB | |
Universal Personalised Care (easy read) | 1,276.80 KB |