Achievements to date

50 leaders from Lincolnshire signed up to do the NHS Leadership for Personalised Care programme was a great achievement and proves the commitment and motivation we have in Lincolnshire to make personalised care real and meaningful.

The personalisation message is now being heard and starting to be understood in Lincolnshire with colleagues from across Health and Care coming forward to get involved in a whole range of activities such as leadership programmes, monthly personalisation huddles, action learning sets, presenting at regional events and working with people with lived experience through our co production groups.


Is really starting to thrive in Lincolnshire with a range of co-production groups working across our system supporting service redesign and transformational change.

  • Living with Cancer
  • Hospital Discharge
  • Palliative and End of Life
  • Personalisation
  • The Citizens atrium (digital)

Secured additional funding through NHSE to support the Personalisation funding which is being used for the following;

  • To recruit to a Social Prescribing development Lead for the Lincolnshire Integrated Care System
  • To recruit to a Workforce development lead who will be developing a strength based person centred curriculum for Lincolnshire health and care workforce.
  • Working with Lincoln County Hospital and partners to embed strength based person centred discharge conversations between staff and patients and families.

Workforce Learning and Development

  • 220 staff are completing the Coaching for Health and Wellbeing course
  • 10 Coaching for Health and Wellbeing Champions completing the accredited course.
  • 105 staff are completing the Personalised Care and Support Planning training
  • 23 staff will be completing social prescribing qualifications
  • ???? staff have completed the eLearning modules on the PCI website
  • Strength Based approached being rolled out across LCC services

Personalised Care and Support Planning

  • The comprehensive role out of the Lincolnshire Initial conversation and strength based approaches across Lincolnshire County Council – with a particular focus on adult care and frailty and the customer service centre. A similar approach is now being tested out with community nursing teams in LCHS.
  • LCHS, LPFT and the community mental health transformation teams are embedding personalised care and support planning in their operating models.
  • Quality assurance framework has been developed
  • A range of teams are starting to explore the e care planning functionality on the Care Portal eg;
    • Stroke services
    • Hospital Discharge
    • Neighbourhoods, integrated place-based teams and PCN’s
    • Cardiac Rehabilitation

Social Prescribing

  • A new Customer relationship management system (CRM), Social RX is being implemented with all our Social Prescribing providers which will have a direct interface with Primary Care clinical systems. Go live date – mid October
  • A new role coming in to link up the VCSE sector and population health management work. 
  • Over 40 social prescribing link workers are working across Lincolnshire’s PCN’s and integrated place based teams.
  • Working with Voluntary Engagement Team and Lincolnshire County Council on developing the strategy for a more sustainable and robust relationship with communities and the VCSE.
  • Developing a bid with NHS and VCSE partners to access NHS Charities together funding for people with long covid and Carers.

Using tailoring tools

The Cardiac rehab team in LCHS have successfully supported ?? people using tailoring tools which enables the professional to understand the individuals level of confidence and motivation to look after their own health and wellbeing, and how to tailor the response appropriately.

Communication, Engagement and Marketing

  • Launched the ‘its all about people’ website
  • Developed the first citizen panel survey to understand how people connected in with their communities and what they thought about their relationships with health and care professionals.
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