Aims & Objectives

Lincolnshire is embracing the principles and values of personalisation established by Think Local Act Personal ‘Making It Real’ report.

  • A sense of belonging, positive relationships and contributing to community life are important to people’s health and wellbeing;
  • Conversations with people are based on what matters most to them. Support is built up around people’s strengths, their own networks of support, and resources (assets) that can be mobilised from the local community;
  • People are at the centre. Support is available to enable people to have as much choice and control over their care and support as they wish;
  • Co-production is key. People are involved as equal partners in designing their own care and support;
  • People are treated equally and fairly and the diversity of individuals and their communities should be recognised and viewed as a strength;
  • Feedback from people on their experience and outcomes is routinely sought and used to bring about improvement.

The Lincolnshire’s Personalisation Programme has one aim and several ways of making it happen….

To shift the relationship and conversations between people, professionals and the health and care system to one which focuses on their strengths and assets and ‘what matters to them’, providing a positive shift in power and decision making that enables people and those who are important to them to be able to live their best life.

Five key priorities for 21/22

  • Culture and behaviour – the ‘art of the conversation’
  1. Personalised care and support planning, including the initial conversation.
  2. Social prescribing, thriving communities and integrating volunteering.
  3. Personalisation through technology.
  4. Communication, marketing and engagement.


The main objective is to make ‘Personalisation’ real for the people of Lincolnshire and our health and care workforce, through: 

  1. Collaborative and partnership working with all members of the Better Lives Lincolnshire Alliance.
  2. Embedding co-production in service redesign.
  3. Using the ‘Making it Real’ framework as our guiding principles.
  4. Embedding strength based and person-centred approaches / conversations into workforce organisation development, leadership programmes and all HR processes.
  5. Improving information and advice for people so it’s meaningful and accessible.
  6. Embedding the Lincolnshire Personalised Care Operating model across the Integrated Care System.
  7. Using population health management data to target personalised interventions.
  8. Developing an outcome framework and dashboard.
  9. Using technology to enable people to live their best life.
  10. Contributing to the improvement in health equalities through person centred approaches. 
  11. Using Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) continuous improvement
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