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A new framework for personalised care and support - it's what good looks like.

Personalisation is rooted in the belief that people want to have a life not a service.Making it Real is a framework and a set of statements that describe what good, citizen-focused, personalised care and support look like from the point of view of people themselves. The statements can be used to inspire and motivate organisations to keep getting better at what they do. They apply to a broad range of organisations, including those in health, social care, housing and the voluntary and community social enterprise sector as well as user-led organisations.

Click on the links below to find out more.

Principles and Values

The framework is based on the following principles and values of personalisation and community-based support:

  • People are citizens first and foremost.
  • A sense of belonging, positive relationships and contributing to community life are important to people’s health and wellbeing.
  • Conversations with people are based on what matters most to them. Support is built up around people’s strengths, their own networks of support, and resources (assets) that can be mobilised from the local community.
  • People are at the centre. Support is available to enable people to have as much choice and control over their care and support as they wish.
  • Co-production is key. People are involved as equal partners in designing their own care and support.
  • People are treated equally and fairly and the diversity of individuals and their communities should be recognised and viewed as a strength.
  • Feedback from people on their experience and outcomes is routinely sought and used to bring about improvement.

“Our world is increasingly one in which complexity is the norm and where people’s needs are complex. Only when we provide care and support in combination with our colleagues in health and housing, that sees people in the round, can we better reflect this and ensure that personalisation becomes everyone’s experience. Making it Real is an indispensable resource that can help achieve this and shows us what good looks like.”
Glen Garrod, President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) - Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing Lincolnshire County Council.

Six Themes (I and We Statements)

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Through this website you’ll start to see how we are ‘making personalisation real’ for the people of Lincolnshire. 

Person Centred Approaches

A person-centred approach puts people, families and communities at the heart of health, care and wellbeing. It means people feeling able to speak about what is important to them and the workforce listening and developing an understanding of what matters to people. It means working in a system in which people and staff feel in control, valued, motivated and supported.

This approach is about enabling the workforce to develop genuine partnerships with people, families, carers, communities and colleagues. This means that we can plan, design and deliver care and support with people and collectively plan and design services and systems. At each level, everyone’s contributions are recognised and valued.


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