This is the first version of the IAAP Maturity Assessment Tool and it is based on the national Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Making It Real Personalisation Framework.
Making it Real is a framework that identifies what to consider when delivering personalised care and support.
It’s for people working in health, adult social care, VCSE, housing, and for people who access services and has been co-produced.
Making it Real is built around six themes to reflect the most important elements of personalised care and support. Each theme has several 'I statements' that describe what good looks like from an individual perspective.
These are followed by 'We statements' that express what organisations should be doing to make sure people’s actual experience of care and support lives up to the I statements.
Six themes of Making it Real
Using the IAAP Maturity Framework
The IAAP Maturity Assessment has an individual tab for each theme and the set of 'we' statements. Organisations, services and teams can use this to record what they believe their level of maturity is against the relevant 'we statement' and the reason why they think that.
Not all of the statements will be equally relevant to all people and organisations, and there will be some variation in how organisations and services interpret and use them to assess their progress.
This is not a rigid assessment framework and should be used as a tool to identify areas of best practice, areas of development and learning for their service areas and the wider system.
Below is a definition of the different levels of maturity, which can be used to create an action plan to support ongoing learning and development .
The IAAP maturity assessment will be evolving as the Lincolnshire 'Our Shared Agreement' and the 5 Foundations develop locally, with the intention to merge the two frameworks.
Therefore, feedback about version 1 will be very welcome. Please contact us to discuss it further or share your experience via