Technology Enabled Care

Technology is advancing and becoming more available and easier to use, meaning that more people are using it in their everyday lives.

There is significant potential for the transformation of health and social care through better and widespread use of digital technologies. This includes a growing role for technology in supporting people to monitor and manage their health and wellbeing, and also enhancing people’s experience of accessing services. 

People are embracing new technology and increasingly expect their care to be supported by it.

Using technology can mean that people:

  • are more independent
  • can better manage their health conditions
  • have more choice and control over when, where, and how to complete everyday tasks
  • can remain safer and stay in their own homes for longer

Lincolnshire County Council is leading on using Technology Enabled Care (TEC) to continue to work with people to support them to use technology within their lives which in turn may help them to remain more independent.  

In It's All About People Podcast Episode 22, we talked to Becs and Amy from Lincolnshire County Council's Adult Social Care team, and Shaun, an expert by experience, about the innovative use of technology to support Lincolnshire people to live and work safely. CLICK ON THE IMAGE in the side panel to listen to the podcast.

An ongoing programme of information sharing, reflective practice, and working alongside our area teams to support them, continues to take place to ensure this approach is sustainable. This practice is now being encouraged across the whole of Lincolnshire's health and care system.

Another area that we are developing in Lincolnshire, is how we use technology to enable us to work more efficiently, freeing up more time to spend working directly with people and preventing them from having to repeat their stories.  This continues to develop. 

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